Sonna has a large range of head ties in her assortment in different designs, colours and sizes which are brought to market with the Sonna label. These head ties are also known as “Duku”, which are very popular among Ghanaians which they, among other occasions, also wear during funerals. Our coloured Dukus are largely in demand among all Africans...
Sonna has a large range of head ties in her assortment in different designs, colours and sizes which are brought to market with the Sonna label. These head ties are also known as “Duku”, which are very popular among Ghanaians which they, among other occasions, also wear during funerals. Our coloured Dukus are largely in demand among all Africans and are offered as “single” and “double” Duku’s. Other head ties Sonna we carry are the famous and top brand “Jubilee” and “Grand Hays” head ties, well-known in Nigeria.
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